As I mentioned earlier this week, Mr. CP is building us a dining table, but before he has finished, I've already signed us up for another new project. While I still have my eyes peeled for a Selig Z chair, a couple of weeks ago, we picked up these vintage mid-century teak Danish style lounge chairs from a local Ebay seller. Unfortunately, the chairs don't have any labels to indicate who designed them or where they were made, but the style is clean and simple, the chairs are pretty comfortable, and it looks like it will be relatively easy to have them reupholstered.
We plan to use eco-friendly material for the cushions (i.e., latex foam or maybe old school wool). Though it would definitely be more economical to use a high density polyurethane foam, we want to avoid added flame retardants and the chemicals that are off-gassed from polyurethane materials. As for the upholstery material, I'll be on the hunt for something neutral and maybe tweedy, but not scratchy.
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