Saturday, September 17, 2011

James and Evander

Since it was in our neighborhood, I stopped by the Rock Make street festival to check out some crafts and tunes.  There were only a few food trucks and I had seen many of the vendors before at other street fairs, but I did stumble upon the lovely electronic pop of James and Evander.  They remind me a little of Elkland and The Postal Service.  I'm going to download their album today.  =)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wow! I wish I could check this place out in person.

I was reading through my frequented blogs this morning and Remodelista featured La Patisserie des Reves in Paris.  Too bad I didn't get to check it out when I was there earlier this year!  It's beautiful, as are the treats, I'm sure.
The treats are preserved under temperature-controlled domes on pulley systems!
 {via Remodelista}